ECG for GPs
About This Course
This course contains lecture on basic ECG, ECG related anatomy, physiology, how to read out an ECG and how common diseases can be easily diagnosis from ECG. This course will be very much helpful for the beginner and the GPs.
Learning Objectives
Students will be able to learn
1. Basic ECG
2. ECG related anatomy and physiology
3. Orientation to ECG waves
4. How to read out an ECG.
5. How to diagnose common doseases from ECG.
Material Includes
- Video lecture.
Target Audience
- 5th year medical students, Intern and GPs.
16 Lessons
1. Basic of ECG
This lecture contains basic anatomy and physiology related to ECG
Basic of ECG10:00
2. ECG paper (graph paper)
Learning objectives
1. Information about the ECG paper.
2. What is isoelectric line?
3. What are the postive and negative wave.
3. Leads of the ECG
Learning objective
1. Number of leads of ECG.
2. Which lead represent with surface of the heart.
3. How ECG helps to identify the blocked aretry.
4. Components of normal ECG
Learning objectives- students will be able to learn
1. Components of ECG.
2. What are the waves of ECG.
3. Deatils about PR interval, QRS complex and ST segment.
5. P wave
Learning objectives- students will be able to learn
1. Characterestics of normal P wave.
2. What are the abnormalities of P wave
6. PR interval
Learning objectives- students will be able to learn
1. What is PR interval.
2. What are the abnormalities of PR interval.
7. Q & R wave
Learning objectives- students will be able to learn
1. Criteria of abnormal Q wave.
2. What is R wave?
8. ST segment and T wave
Learning objectives- students will be able to learn
1. Characteristics of normal ST segment.
2. Characteristics of normal T wave.
3. What are the abnormalities of T wave
9. Rhythm and Rate
Learning objectives- students will be able to learn
1. How to determine rhythm of heart.
2. How to calculate heart rate.
10. AF
Learning objectives- students will be able to learn
1. How to diagnose AF.
11. AV block (heart block)
Learning objectives- students will be able to learn
1. What are the type of AV block.
2. How to diagnose different AV block from ECG.
12. Axis
Learning objectives- students will be able to
1. Diagnose right and left axis deviation from ECG.
2. What are the causes of axis deviation.
13. RBBB
Learning objectives- students will be able to
1. Diagnose RBBB from ECG.
2. What are the causes of RBBB.
14. LBBB
Learning objectives- students will be able to
1. Diagnose LBBB from ECG.
2. What are the causes of LBBB.
15. LVH and RVH
Learning objectives- students will be able to
1. Diagnose LVH & RVH.
16. IHD
Learning objectives- students will be able to
1. Diagnose ischemia, MI-acute, recent and old.
Your Instructors
Dr. Ratindra Nath Mondal
Prime Medical College
I am a Medicine Specialist, Associate Professor of Medicine, Prime Medical College, Rangpur Bangladesh. I am the founder of GP model "Daktarkhana" and trying to establish GP practice in Bangladesh.