Examination of nervous system
About This Course
This course contains lecture on nervous system examination and demonstration of clinical examination. This course will be very much helpful to learn clinical examination of nervous system for the 3rd year to 5th year Medical and Dental students.
Learning Objectives
After completion of the course students will be able to do the examination of nervous system confidently.
Target Audience
- 3rd year to 5th year Medical and Dental students.
28 Lessons
1 Lecture on anatomy of nervous system
This lecture contains brief anatomy of the nervous system
Lecture on anatomy of nervous system5:11
2 Higher psychic function
3 First and 2nd cranial nerve
4 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th cranial nerve
This topic contains lecture on 3rd to 6th cranial nerve and demonstration of the clinical examination.
5 Lecture on 7th cranial nerve
This lecture contains details about 7th cranial nerve and its examination procedure
6 Lecture on 8th cranial nerve examination
7 Lecture on examiantion of 9th to 12th cranial nerve
8 Lecture on motor system
9 Lecture on sensory system
10 Signs of meningeal irritation
Your Instructors
Dr. Ratindra Nath Mondal
Prime Medical College
I am a Medicine Specialist, Associate Professor of Medicine, Prime Medical College, Rangpur Bangladesh. I am the founder of GP model "Daktarkhana" and trying to establish GP practice in Bangladesh.